Install Servlet Release 12.2

Release 12.2 customers please follow these steps to install the communication servlet in the mid-tier.

The More4apps infrastructure is installed as per the standard procedures defined in “Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1577661.1)”. There are two components to the More4apps infrastructure: a database package and a java servlet. Installation of the database package is performed directly to the Run edition (should have already been done in an earlier step), and installation of the java servlet will be performed to the Patch edition followed by a cut-over to the Run edition.

Windows Users: This document uses UNIX syntax when specifying directories and operating system commands. Substitute the appropriate Windows syntax where applicable.

If you have multiple mid-tier servers then you must repeat these steps on each server.

1. Prerequisite Patches

The system needs to be running a minimum of R12.2.2 with the following additional patches applied: 17217965, 17217772, R12.AD.C.Delta.4 (17766337) R12.TXK.C.Delta.4 (17893964).

2. Check for Patch Run

Ensure that a patch run is not currently taking place.

adop -status

3. Install Servlet Files

  • Copy the m4aServlet.jar file to the $HOME directory on the mid tier server.

  • Connect to Run environment.

. EBSapps.env run

  • Start a patch run cycle:

adop phase=prepare

  • Connect to patch environment:

. EBSapps.env patch

  • Unzip the servlet into $JAVA_TOP:

$ cd $JAVA_TOP
$ unzip $HOME/m4aServlet.jar
  • Generate the customall.jar file (you will be prompted for the APPS password):


  • Check that it has worked by doing the following, you should see the More4apps servlet files along with any other custom java files:

unzip -l $JAVA_TOP/customall.jar | more
  • Add Entries to the Custom Synchronization Driver File

The changes on adop_sync.drv are according to the instructions described in MOS Note 1577661.1 (Section 1.5.4). Add entries for the custom files to the custom synchronization driver file to ensure that the adop utility synchronizes these files between the run file system and the patch file system the next time you run the prepare phase.

vi $APPL_TOP_NE/ad/custom/adop_sync.drv

Add the following to this file after “#Begin Customization” :

rsync -zr %s_current_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/com/more4apps/ %s_other_base%/EBSapps/comn/java/classes/com

4. Modify AutoConfig Templates

If you have integrated R12.2 with Oracle Webcenter Portal and the value for s_deploy_portlet is customized in the $CONTEXT_FILE then please use oacore_web_xml_FMW_portlet.tmp instead of oacore_web_xml_FMW.tmp in the following instructions.

Create custom versions of oacore_web_xml_FMW.tmp and ebs3rdpartyManifest_xml.tmp by following these steps.

  • Navigate to the template directory.

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template

  • Create the "custom" directory if it does not already exist.

mkdir custom

  • If the files oacore_web_xml_FMW.tmp and ebs3rdpartyManifest_xml.tmp do not already exist in the "custom" directory then copy them from $FND_TOP/admin/template directory. Be careful not to overwrite an existing copy of this file or you may lose pre-existing customizations.

cp oacore_web_xml_FMW.tmp custom
cp ebs3rdpartyManifest_xml.tmp custom
  • Move into the custom directory.

cd custom

  • Edit the custom template files.

vi oacore_web_xml_FMW.tmp

Put the following lines in after the “FND Servlets” servlet entries :



Save the file.

vi ebs3rdpartyManifest_xml.tmp

Add the following section after the last </classpath> entry and just before </classpath-contents> :


Save the file.

5. Enable the More4apps Servlet

  • Switch back to the Run edition:

. EBSapps.env run

  • Make the More4apps servlet available by running the adop cutover phase. Note that this will require a brief downtime for the users.

adop phase=cutover

  • Switch to the new Run edition:

. EBSapps.env run

  • Run Cleanup (optional):

adop phase=cleanup

6. Security Configuration based on your Oracle E-Business Suite Release

  • If you are on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.6 or above then perform the below steps to add custom servlet entries to the security configuration file.

  • If you are on Oracle E-Business Suite Release lower than 12.2.6 and have applied any CPU patching that includes R12.AD.C.Delta.10 and R12.TXK.C.Delta.10 then you may need to do the below steps.

$ cd $FND_TOP/secure
$ echo "servlet /OA_HTML/m4aServlet" > custom_servlets.conf
$ echo "/OA_HTML/ServletPing" >> custom_servlets.conf
$ java MODE=custom INPUT_FILE=custom_servlets.conf DBC=$FND_SECURE/$TWO_TASK.dbc

7. Test the Servlet

To test whether the servlet has been installed correctly, first get the value of profile option "Apps Servlet Agent".

Then enter the following URL in your browser:

<value of profile option>/m4aServlet/hello

The full URL will look something like this:

If the servlet has been installed correctly a simple information page will render.

Update the 12.2 Servlet

If the servlet is already installed then a new servlet version can be updated directly into the Run environment. It is very quick to do it this way as there is no need to cutover between the Patch and Run environments, but this can only be performed if there is no patch run currently taking place.

  • Connect to the run environment:

. EBSapps.env run

  • Ensure there is no current run cycle taking place:

adop -status

  • If there is no patch run taking place then copy the servlet jar file to the mid-tier server, unzip it then run adcgnjar.

unzip $HOME/m4aServlet.jar
  • Bounce the webserver:

cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME stopall oacore stop start startall oacore