Install Servlet Release 12.1

Release 12.1 customers please follow these steps to install the communication servlet in the mid-tier. To enable the servlet we modify the server configuration files by implementing a fully supported Autoconfig customization, as documented in Metalink Note 387859.1.

Windows Users: This document uses UNIX syntax when specifying directories and operating system commands. Substitute the appropriate Windows syntax where applicable.
If you have multiple mid-tier servers then you must repeat these steps on each server.

1. Copy m4aServlet.jar to $JAVA_TOP

Copy the file m4aServlet.jar to the mid-tier server and place it in $JAVA_TOP.

cp m4aServlet.jar $JAVA_TOP

Earlier versions of our instructions required you to unzip the jar file. If you have done this then please remove the unzipped files:

rm -rf $JAVA_TOP/com/more4apps/r12

2. Edit Autoconfig Templates

Navigate to the template directory.

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template

Create the "custom" directory if it does not already exist.

mkdir custom

If the file orion_web_xml_1013.tmp does not already exist in the "custom" directory then copy it from $FND_TOP/admin/template directory. Be careful not to overwrite an existing copy of these files or you may lose pre-existing customizations.

cp orion_web_xml_1013.tmp custom

Move into the custom directory and edit the custom template file.

cd custom
vi orion_web_xml_1013.tmp

Paste the following lines just before the TCF alias :

<!-- More4apps Servlet -->


Save the file.

2.1 Special Instructions for 12.1.1

If you are on 12.1.1 you will need to follow these additional steps to include three standard jar files from 12.1.3. These files are only referenced by the More4apps servlet and are not used by any other part of the E-Business Suite infrastructure. If you are on 12.1.3 or later then skip this step and proceed to Enable Attachment Uploads.

  1. Download the jar files from here:

  2. Transfer the zip file to the mid tier E-Business server and unzip into the $JAVA_TOP/../lib directory.

  3. Edit Autoconfig Templates

    • Navigate to the template directory.

cd $FND_TOP/admin/template/custom

  • If the file orion_application_xml_1013.tmp does not already exist in the "custom" directory then copy it from $FND_TOP/admin/template directory. Be careful not to overwrite an existing copy of these files or you may lose pre-existing customizations.

cp ../orion_application_xml_1013.tmp .

  • Edit the custom template file.

vi orion_application_xml_1013.tmp
  • Paste the following lines just after the final "library" tag:

<library path="%s_af_jlib%/commons-logging-1_1_1.jar" />
<library path="%s_af_jlib%/commons-codec-1_3.jar" />
<library path="%s_af_jlib%/commons-httpclient-3_1.jar" />
  • Save the file.

3. Enable Attachment Uploads

Copy oradim jar files to $JAVA_TOP.

cp $ORACLE_HOME/ord/jlib/ordim.jar $JAVA_TOP
cp $ORACLE_HOME/ord/jlib/ordhttp.jar $JAVA_TOP

4. Run Autoconfig

Run Autoconfig as described in Note 387859.1


5. Bounce Apache stop stop start start

6. Test the Servlet

To test whether the servlet has been installed correctly, first get the value of profile option "Apps Servlet Agent".

Then enter the following URL in your browser:

<value of profile option>/m4aServlet/hello

The full URL will look something like this:

If the servlet has been installed correctly a simple information page will render.

Update 12.1 Servlet

If the servlet is already installed then a new servlet version can be installed by completing the following steps.

1. Copy m4aServlet.jar to $JAVA_TOP

Copy the file m4aServlet.jar to the mid-tier server and place it in $JAVA_TOP.

cp m4aServlet.jar $JAVA_TOP

Earlier versions of our instructions required you to unzip the jar file. If you have done this then please remove the unzipped files:

rm -rf $JAVA_TOP/com/more4apps/r12

2. Bounce Apache stop stop start start